And in fact, dressed up the stage have a more personal stamp, but it is clear that when he gets alone with a leather jacket on the street, so the style is a bit on the side. But hey, apparently, Lady Gaga likes fashion and is so interested in this world also now be encouraged to launch a lingerie line designed by her.
Not only that, because for the next year we can also see, it seems, the first perfume of Lady Gaga. I do not know, but lingerie designs wake me quite curious. What will? Anyway, do you'd put a set of lingerie Lady Gaga? Nothing, lingerie and perfume for a look as Gaga. Do you dare?

- Lady Gaga Appears With No Makeup, We Think (06/01/2011)
- Little Monsters Do Their Best Lady Gaga V Magazine Spring 2011 (12/01/2011)
- Lady GaGa's Impromptu NYC Concert! (06/01/2011)
- Lady Gaga Eats Her Humble Pie (09/01/2011)
- Video: Lady Gaga's Surprise NYC Performance (06/01/2011)
Lady Gaga (myspaceeverything)  Lady Gaga (imdb)  Lady Gaga (homepage)  Lady Gaga (musicbrainz)  Lady Gaga (wikipedia)  
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