Saturday, April 30, 2011

Royal Wedding: hats of guests

If you followed the Royal Wedding Day you will certainly not escaped the show of hats that have raised the guests at the wedding of William and Kate: and many more strange, beginning with hats with feathers or discs, a gondola, tree, dead branch of flying saucer, and many others ... For example, the companion Delconte Spencer, Diana's brother had a very big hat and wide pink covering her face completely.

Perhaps it is a strategy not to ruin next to the glow of his three daughters, who are considered the most beautiful girls in England are: Lady Kitty Eleanor and twins Eliza and Katya Amelia Victoria, in short, just like the blonde and Barbie doll very chic with a touch of sophistication.

Instead, the wife of David Cameron has chosen a circle with three flowers that are only visible with a magnifying glass, put on a dress-green oil, but without the jacket. But about an amazing and fabulous accessories to wear scarf and matching orange and beige shoes.

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