Friday, March 25, 2011

Beauty creams "corset effect"

Beautiful picture. Performed, object, commodity. The female body is increasingly present in public life. If the work of diet, medication, food, fashion and cosmetic surgery have prompted the need to search for perfection, there is even a parallel vision, acceptance of their playful forms. If the objective is to contain the abundance and fill in the gaps, the options are varied.

See lingerie and cosmetics structured silhouette designs that help you feel at home in his own skin. Old Victorian-strategies. The shapewear rages. Imagine the flood of square feet of Spanx underneath the clothing of the recent spectacular Oscar night. Modern armor, loved by Gwyneth Paltrow (and if you need it ...) and Beyonce, have names like Slim Cognito, Haute Contour Skinny Britches.

Nothing to do with knickers restraints of yesteryear or para-medical-looking, are no longer embarrassing to wear and were not meant to be hidden from view of others. Even the moment of truth, even the first date. The watchwords are two: flatten and flesh out where needed. They work the hips, the filing rolls that peek from jeans, the ones that the Anglo-Saxons call euphemistically muffin-top, see the round shape of the cake that overflows from the mold.

Even Dr. Rey, a famous plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, offers in its menu "interventionist", as well as classic liposuction on the thighs and belly, raising buttocks and "vaginal beautification," a line of shapewear, perhaps for a last chance before resorting to the scalpel. On the Italian front, the spring-summer Intimissimi offers the proven and successful strategy of the previous season, relieving it of course.

From mid-April will be on sale the new line with Soft Shaping undergarments, body, tulle knickers in modeling. Intangible, has the magical ability to become invisible even under light summer clothes. Jeans and formulas futuristic bustier. We are lingerie containment 2.0, with the advent of washing technique that not only shapes the line, but reduces the effects of cellulite, with microcapsules embedded in the fabric that moisturize and firm up, see My Shapes.

Similar effect for Lerock Eve, jeans to caffeine, escin and vitamin E. Result of a study applied to cosmetic textiles, fight the accumulation of localized fat deposits during the movements you make during the day. A kind of "effect pack" that reshapes and makes the skin softer. After the fourth washing the microcapsules applied to the fabric lose some of their effectiveness, but can be "recharged".

In a strictly cosmetic, however, Pupa few seasons has concentrated its research on formulations that act on individual body parts, according to the various needs of women. After the success of volumizing breast (in a few weeks had been unavailable and, from May 2008, the date of his debut, were sold almost one million pieces), the company has faced hundreds of emails and phone calls from consumers able to ask where to find it, but also curious to know if it could be applied in other areas ...

So the laboratories have implemented the suggestion of looking at more targeted products to solve problems. A phenomenon was born hearing and by word of mouth. Slimming molecules. The aromacologia is the science which studies the effects of stimulation of olfactory receptors by essential oils and also affects the burning of fat.

"There are two types of fat cells. White ones, the cell leader, focusing in particular in the lower abdomen, buttocks, thighs and arms. Those dark, however, burn fat to produce heat, "said Koichi Nakamura, Senior Scientist of the Europe Research Center, Shiseido. "Until very recently it was believed that the adipose tissue of this type were found in the body only to early childhood, to overcome the lack of muscle mass.

The latest discoveries have shown that there is also in adults. Distributed throughout the body, especially in the chest area, has a high content of UCP, a protein that promotes the consumption of fat, but tends to decrease with age. Although small in quantity, has great virtues: 50 grams of brown fat burning 20% of daily calories.

It was recently shown that white cells can get to behave like the brown. The discovery may open new fronts in the fight against obesity, "says Charles Intrieri, chemical and cosmetologist. The enhanced formulation of Advanced Shiseido Body Creator contains the SLM fragrance, composed of molecules, captured by the receptors, they come to the limbic system, where are located the centers of hunger and satiety by stimulating lipolysis.

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