Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Here's the spot Dior Addict Lipstick with Kate Moss

After the anticipation that we gave you a little over a month ago, here are the definitive images of the spot of Dior Addict Lipstick "starring Kate Moss. The story is simple, Kate is in dishabille beginning of a big hotel suite in Paris, with thousands of objects, clothes, accessories scattered here and there '.

Why go to fashion shows is an exhausting job of image! But the key thing here is obviously the trick, to which we must pay close attention, after all, is the commercial of a lipstick. Although we also very much like the eye-liner style pussycat killkill and dark nail polish. Moss then jumps into the limo and took the opportunity to fix the transparent silk stockings, then making their way through the paparazzi and curious, come to the parade (of who? Dior!) And enjoys the bellavista typical of the parterre.

Then he slips away, strong sunglasses Fatalone (which will copy all the next summer), all with great joy, in my opinion thanks to the hit in the background, All You Need is Now Duran Duran.

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